¿Cuáles son los requisitos en experiencia laboral para el Express Entry?

En primer lugar, es importante conocer cuáles son los oficios considerados como “calificados” para las tres corrientes del Express Entry, los cuales son determinados de acuerdo al sistema de Clasificación Nacional de Ocupaciones (NOC). De acuerdo al sitio web https://www.canada.ca/, los grupos son los que describimos a continuación: Tipo de habilidad 0 (cero): trabajos de gestión, como: gerentes […]
Programa de inmigración del Atlántico

Este programa está diseñado para que los empleadores canadienses de las provincias: New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia y Prince Edward Island, puedan contratar candidatos calificados y estos puedan establecerse en Canadá con un estatus de residente permanente. Actualmente, existen 3 programas y cada una tiene los requisitos generales que te compartiremos a continuación: Programa internacional […]
Detalles del Piloto de habilidades difíciles de completar

Estamos muy contentos de compartir con ustedes los detalles de este nuevo programa para trabajadores calificados internacionales “Piloto de habilidades difíciles de completar”, el cual hace parte de las subcategorías del Programa de Nominación Provincial de la provincia de Saskatchewan. Con este artículo buscamos darles una introducción de los aspectos que más resaltan, pero siempre es […]
Public policies for granting permanent residence to foreigners in Canada

Once again, Canada shows us its intentions and objectives regarding immigration, seeking strategies to grant permanent residence to those foreigners who are currently contributing to the country’s economy. This April 12, 2021, Canada announced its new public policies oriented at supporting and helping the development of communities, through the granting of permanent residence to temporary […]
What are the work experience requirements for Express Entry?

In the first place, it is important to know which are the trades considered “qualified” for the three streams of Express Entry, which are determined according to the National Occupation Classification (NOC) system. According to the website https://www.canada.ca/, the groups are those described below: Skill type 0 (zero): management jobs, such as: Restaurant managers Mine managers Coast captains […]
Atlantic immigration program

This program is designed so that Canadian employers from the provinces: New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, can hire qualified candidates and they can settle in Canada with permanent resident status. Currently, there are 3 programs and each one has the general requirements that we will share with you below: Atlantic International Graduate […]
Details Hard-to-Fill Skills Pilot Saskatchewan

We are excited to share with you the details of this new International Skilled Worker Program “Hard-to-Fill Skills Pilot”, which is part of the subcategories of the Provincial Nominee Program for the Province of Saskatchewan. With this article, we seek to give you an introduction of the aspects that stand out the most, but it is […]